Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Also known as the Herpes Simplex virus. A contagious skin infection which creates mild to severe skin allergies and infections. Has many varieties under it, but most commonly, HAV type 1 or the Oral Herpes and the HSV type 2 or the Genital Herpes is most common. Identified under 115 types of differently symptomatic Herpes viruses. Spread by carriers like pigs, turkeys, rats, snakes, lizards and toads.
HSV type 1 is spread by kissing, skin to skin contact, naked genital skin to skin contact, oral contact, vaginal, anal or oral intercourse. Distinguished with rashes and red sores near and around the mouth.
HSV type 2 can be passed from mother to offspring, skin to skin contact, oral contact and naked genital contact.  Serious allergies include Asceptic Meningitis, Neonatal Herpes, Bells’a Palsy, and severe skin deformation if not treated early.
HSV type 3, or also known as Herpes Zoster (Varicella Zoster Virus), is caused and spread by skin to skin contact, and airborne by sneezing and coughing. If left untreated, can cause Chicken Pox, heightened Pneumonia, Encephalitis, Hepatitis  severe skin disease.
HSV type 4, or the Epstein- Barr virus (EBV), also known more popularly as the “Kissing Disease”, is transferred airborne and also through kissing and oral contact. If left untreated, causes AIDS/HIV related nymphomas and nasopharyngeal carcinaomas.
HHV type 5 or the Human Herpes Virus has mostly similar transmitting tendencies, and  if left untreated causes Roseola in infants and Encephalitis. It is identified by high fevers, body rash, pea shaped bumps on the back of heads and skin rashes and sores.
HHV type 6 or the Human Herpes 6 can cause body rash and can cause serious and extreme skin diseases if left untreated. It has the same transmit techniques like the other viruses.
OVER THE COUNTER DRUGS- Mostly Famvir, Valacyclovir, Acyclovir are used. Regular and prolonged use have serious side effects on the body. But they are not fatal to their patients. These medications mostly suppress the outbursts of the symptoms of the infection. Permanent cure is not guaranteed under such medications. If patients are going through 2 types of vigorous treatments, then the side effects are really complicated and sometimes even fatal. For example, if the patient has AIDS/HIV positive and is undergoing the treatment for it too, then they might have fatal renal failures and even seizures too. So the medication, timing and extent has to be carefully calculated before starting the treatment. Most antiviral drugs, prescribed by the doctors, have very serious unexpected side effects. They just suppress the symptoms and outbreaks to a greater extent. But, in the later periods, the results are a bit more extreme. Therefore, natural remedies are preferred more because have lesser side effects and negative symptoms.
NATURAL TREATMENTS- Mostly it is observed, that a good and effective diet plan is the best way to control all kinds of symptoms and recurrences. A well balanced diet and a well balanced mind is the best way to control the out breaks of this infection. But the most important part of the natural therapy is boosting the immune system. And for doing that, there are some natural supplements available which can subsequently increase and affect the immune system positively. Now lets look into the different categories of natural treatments. First let us look into natural treatments available with physical and direct application. Medical creams like Propolis ointment is widely used to suppress the outbursts. Other than that Thuja cream is also used to suppressing the sores and their painful symptoms. Pure and natural Honey is also used to control the effects of the infection, but the honey should be semi viscous, and free from supplements. Lemon balm, cold compresses with ice cubes, Epsom salt baths, lemon juice, wet tea bags, Aloe Vera, baking soda, natural oils, cold black coffee, turmeric paste and neem paste is mostly used as sore suppressing pastes.
Other than that, daily intake of green tea is also suggested to increase suppressions of the infection. Including Lysine, essential vitamins, grape seed extracts of Resveratol, garlic, Lactoferrin, Reishi (a gypsy mushroom), herbs like Gallangal, Lapacho, Unade Gato ( a herb named Cat’s Claw), Astragalus, Myrrh, Ligustrum, Thymy, Pansy, Cayenne, Licorice can be used to suppress the counter effects of the infection.

Most important part is staying healthy, mentally and physically. That is why, having a balanced diet of nutrients every day, is the best way to remain healthy and boost one’s immune system. Physical exercises are also very necessary to increase the blood circulation and remove toxic wastes from the body by excess sweats during work outs. Exercising, also removes stress levels from the body and increases happy hormones in the body. Wearing pure cotton inners and garments also helps, because they are very naturally absorbent of the body moisture and are very skin friendly and help in air circulation within the body. Having lots of water is also good for your health, as it improves metabolism rates and increases blood circulation and does many more positive things for the body. Mostly, due to its properties of flushing out toxins from the body, it is considered to be the best way to combat exposed infections and control stress too.